Easter is coming and there are a lot of delicious things. Coloured eggs, sacred ham, bake an easter lamb and an easter pastry.
For this easter pastry I have got the recipe:
- 750 gram flour
- 100 gram sugar
- 80 gram butter
- 30 gram yeast
- 1 egg
- a half Liter milk
Preperation of an easter pastry:
Put flour and sugar in a bowl, add the yeast. Melt butter in a pot, add the milk and eggs.
Mix everything with the kitchen machine and knead for about 5 minutes.
Let the pastry on a warm place for about 2 hours. Then form 3 long plaited bun and braids.
Put it on a plate, spread with an egg, wait for 5 minutes and worm the oven,
Then bake it for 40 Minutes.